July 6, 2023

PHOTO RELEASE: Ricketts Honors Nebraskans Serving Veterans with Flags Flown Over Capitol

July 6, 2023

OMAHA, NE – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) visited Omaha National Cemetery and Eastern Nebraska Veteran’s Home to present staff with flags that had been previously flown over the United States Capitol as a tribute to their service for Nebraska’s veterans and veteran families.

“Our veterans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. Throughout our state’s history, Nebraskans have made it a priority to honor and serve them day-to-day,” Ricketts said. “I’m proud our state is filled with women and men who work tirelessly behind the scenes to protect the memories of or care for our veterans and their families. The critical work they do each and every day is appreciated and represents the best of Nebraska.”

Ricketts visited with the Omaha National Cemetery and presented a flag to Director Jason Dolan and his staff in recognition for their work protecting the memories of departed veterans and serving their families. Later Ricketts toured the Eastern Nebraska Veteran’s Home (ENVH) to meet with residents and see the progress on the expansion he supported when he was Governor. He also presented Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs Director John Hilgert, ENVH Administrator Matt Bauman and ENVH staff with a flag to honor their service to residents.

Flags can be flown over the U.S. Capitol any day of the year for special occasions or events. Flags provided by Senator Ricketts’ office will be accompanied by a certificate commemorating the date it was flown over the U.S. Capitol. Nebraskans interested in ordering a flag can visit www.ricketts.senate.gov/services/flag-requests/.

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