September 2, 2023

Sen. Pete Ricketts serves up prime rib and policy at Nebraska State Fair

Fox NE

GRAND ISLAND, Neb. — The Beef Pit saw long lines Saturday at the State Fair where a familiar face helped Nebraskans get their favorites.

“Take this to the next place, they’ll take your money.”

Sen. Pete Ricketts took orders and the most popular choice was the prime rib sandwich.

“That’s what I had for lunch I can tell you it’s awesome it always is,” Ricketts said.

It highlights the synergy of Nebraska agriculture — raise the corn that makes ethanol that also produces distillers grain that feeds cattle. But Ricketts raises concerns that the Biden administration is too focused on electric vehicles to reach climate goals when he argues ethanol is available now.

“It’s completely frustrating the Biden administration is ignoring biofuels like ethanol, biodiesel, can do for our country reducing carbon output,” he said.

He’s introduced legislation that would provide incentives to automakers that produce vehicles that run on higher ethanol blends.

“The federal government should not be picking winners and losers,” he said. “Biden administration has one size fits all, big government, top down solution jamming down our throats. We should allow Americans to innovate.”

The senator was working as FFA members showed livestock and community college students worked in the Beef Pit. He points to data that shows we have way more jobs than people graduating in ag fields. He says we need to promote career and technical education, the very things on the menu at the state fair.

“Agriculture’s the heart and soul of Nebraska, state fair highlights the great work that goes on,” he said.

After Labor Day Ricketts said there’s work to do in Washington with deadlines coming soon like action required on the farm bill.

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